Monday, June 26, 2006

A sad little confession...

I went this morning and got fillings in my top wisdom teeth. (Yes, I could have had them pulled, but they are straight and causing no problems, so I opted for fillings.) It seems that while the dentist was in there filling the gaping holes in my teeth, she also removed my tongue and replaced it with a very large, tingly, menthol-flavoured slug. Hmm.

Here's my confession: I'm actually enjoying all this dental work a little bit, because it gives me a legitimate excuse for taking a break from my thesis. I literally could not do any work between nine and ten this morning, so there was no guilt! I have a sickness, I know.

Hey, commenters? You are awesome. I sincerely appreciate every single one of the "stop reading this and get back to work" comments. Chug chug chug -- nine more days to go.

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