Friday, July 14, 2006

Premature congratulations!

Thanks, everyone, but I'm not done yet! Still working on it, and I won't feel done till next week, when I really hand it in and copies go out to my examiners to start reading. (My defense is set for August 22.) So it's still hanging over my head just a little bit -- but next week, hopefully on Wednesday, I'll hand in the real non-draft thesis and then revel in the finale of Canada's Next Top Model. (It's going to be Sisi, right?)

Last night I took Bill out for a surprise anniversary* treat, to see Stompin' Tom Connors. It was pretty great -- he sang all the favourites (I'd forgotten about "Good Bye Rubberhead"!). He's 70 years old, for pete's sake. So was half the audience, and the other half were dudes in cowboy hats who got really drunk and rowdy and did a lot of yelling. It was kind of like a wedding reception with an open bar, at the end of the night. Anyway, he's a living legend, and I'm glad we went to see him, and Bill was totally surprised, so success all around.

* We celebrate two anniversaries: in July, it's our liking-each-other anniversary, and lo and behold, two months later, it's our moving-in-together anniversary! So we've now liked each other for 12 years.

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