Friday, April 28, 2006

A snapshot of the day ahead

As of yesterday, my semester is over. No more papers, no more grading of essays and exams. So today I shall celebrate by doing nothing related to school (because tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my thesis) -- I shall knit.

You're absolutely right: that is not the Sunrise Circle Jacket. I wanted to do something super quick and simple. I bought a copy of KnitScene a while back because our Ms. Cari, her knits, and her photos appear on page 50. None of the projects really appealed to me, except one: the Inside-Out Top, by Teva Durham. I started a sleeve (a.k.a. "gauge swatch") last night. Turns out my gauge is half a stitch off, so I've done a few calculations and have settled on just making a smaller size. We'll see how much I get through before I lose interest. (That's Peace Fleece from the stash drawers, I'm happy to say. And a pair of rosewood needles that belonged to my gran. And a sheep measuring tape from Michelle. And dark chocolate. Wanna come over?)

p.s. Mom, here are the tulips I was telling you about, from right outside the door:

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