Monday, May 16, 2005

The world is not my oyster

We're back in Bangkok. I think we'll head home in a couple of days. It seems that my feet have a very low tolerance for diving holidays. You may remember the one-two combination last August of the motorcycle-accident scrape on one ankle joined by a jellyfish sting on the other in Malaysia. This time, I have developed a really disgusting infection in a series of revolting sores all over my ankles and toes. I'll spare you more gory details than that.

So we decided to leave Koh Tao yesterday. We were ready to leave anyway, to be honest, although I would've liked to go snorkeling a few more times. We took a boat back over to Chumphon on the mainland and then a very uncomfortable bus up to Bangkok (seven of the longest and most miserable hours of my life).

I feel quite a bit better today, after a hot bath and a good sleep on a real mattress. I don't know how long we'll stay. It would be nice to do some shopping, go to the Grand Palace, etc., but that all depends on whether I can comfortably walk soon. If I'm still hobbling tomorrow like I've got a club foot, then screw it, I'm going home.

So, a disappointing end. But life is long, and there will be other travels. Today I'm hanging out in the hotel room, feet up; I've got work to do, sweater pieces to knit, books to read. And, five months into the year, I've finally gotten around to making a 2005 button for the Rock-Along Gallery...

new KRA button

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