Thursday, July 08, 2004

Feeling listless, but making lists

This week -- and probably the next three -- is a weird combination of busy + lazy that leads to near paralysis. I have so much to do, but time is flying at a pretty alarming rate, and I worry about getting everything done. My response? Procrastinate!

Brilliant, isn't it? Hey, I've only known forever that I was going back to Canada in August. What's that? No, I won't ever learn, but thank you for asking.

So I'm taking a cue from the Divine Ms. Em, who is posting bits and pieces of her dissertation: if I make a list on the blog, I'll have to actually do the stuff, right? If I don't, I'll feel like a loser. (OK, more of a loser.) Let's start with the short list of things that are already done, shall we?

·Extended work permit so I don't get thrown out of Taiwan early
·Booked plane ticket to Vancouver (Aug. 19!)
·Mailed box of books to my mom that she might like to read
·Packed up yarn to give away

Excellent start! And I have done other things in preparation, like clearing out that drawer I was telling you about. Now, what's left?

To Do
·Mail 3 big boxes to in-laws
·Hand off the giveaway yarn
·Give away unwanted books and clothes
·Finish cloverleaf socks for 6 Sox Knitalong (by July 31)
·Book plane ticket from B.C. to Ontario (Aug. 26ish)
·Rent storage space in Ontario
·Have contents of B.C. storage moved to Ontario storage
·Plan 2-week holiday (Borneo? Aug. 3-17) & book tickets
·Talk to vet about flying to Canada with Beatrix (kitty sedatives?)

That's not so bad, right? OK, I'm kidding myself a bit by listing "Plan 2-week holiday in Borneo" as one to-do item. (This could be part of my problem. No wonder I feel overwhelmed.) Basically I have three weeks to do this stuff. And I will do it -- I'll just probably do it all on July 28.

Ow. My head hurts now. But it's Friday! And it's not raining today, and I'm wearing a new pink T-shirt. It's all going to be ohhhhhhh-kaaaaaay.

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