Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Just tidbits today.

Muscleman put in charge of world's fifth-largest economy (from the ever-clever Onion, via Jstrizzy)

A history of the other good book (a review of The Meaning of Everything: The Story of the Oxford English Dictionary by Simon Winchester)

Boys in the hood (Zoe Williams on school uniforms)

The following is by far the best newspaper lead I've read in a long time: "Forcing catering workers at the APEC summit in Bangkok to submit to rectal swabs to ensure they were disease-free was 'over the top,' a Thai politician said today." (If you simply must read the whole story after that, be my guest.)

I haven't spent much time knitting this week, and it's all been on the mini-ringel sock, which is looking awesome, by the way. It'll take me ages on my little toothpick needles (and then I have to make another one!), but I'm totally enjoying the colours of those pretty little stripes. Have patience, young Jedi.

The birthday yarn fairy scores a hat trick! The divine Ms. Em over at Everybody Loves Saturday Night saw fit to send two balls of soft, hairy, sparkly, and highly flammable yarn my way. A soft, glamorous, sparkly blue-and-silver scarf is bound to result. (I've just come up with the title for my knitting autobiography: Sensible Socks and Sparkly Scarves.) Thanks, Em!

Recently spotted T-shirts:
2. Be Enjoy!

Oh, and am I the only one who doesn't get why spending 40-odd days in a glass box is such a big deal? (There was a photo of David Blaine on the front page of yesterday's China Post, with the straightforward header "Hungry and smelly.")

Wednesdays. Who needs 'em, I say.

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