Tuesday, October 14, 2003

chocolate! my favourite!
Happy birthday to meee! I'm 31 today! Wheee!

So I'm taking the day off. I finally came to the Internet cafe to check my e-mail. It seems that there's a piece in the current (post-Daryl) Vogue Knitting about knitblogs. As if this isn't cool enough, I'm told that brainylady is mentioned (and is in some very good company indeed). What an excellent birthday present! I've e-mailed my mom to ask her to pick up a copy for me.

And since it is better to give than to receive -- or at least equally good -- I give you my new knitting gallery. It's simple. It's sleek. It takes up way less space.

I'm about to turn the heel of Billy's second birthday sock. His birthday is tomorrow. Luckily he's a patient man. I finished the body of my chunky red-and-milky-coffee pullover, too. Woo! I'm on fire!

Have a great day, everybody!

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