A quilt, a cat
"Hmmm, what's this?"
"I want to look at the back. Ooh, pink stripes!"
"Soft to sit on, and I do like this polka-dot binding..."
"I is in yr quilt, makin u say Awwww..."
All done and laundered! I'm pleased as punch with this little starter quilt. (Keep in mind that Mooky is a mammoth cat -- the quilt measures 35 inches square.) Now, photographing a pink-and-red quilt against grass is not the best way to capture accurate colours, but there's nowhere inside for me to spread it out for pictures. I've Photoshopped, but the colours still look a little washed out. Let's review: I sewed the blocks together on the machine and then did all the quilting by hand. If you're interested, click on the little photo to see (roughly) where I quilted. The three rows around the outside are a little excessive design-wise, but I just wanted more practice. And to conclude: I love quilting! My favourite part was attaching the binding. I think I'll make another small one -- I'm still enamoured with the Scrap X Quilt. Ultimately I want to make a quilt for my bed, but I don't quite feel ready for that.
Mooky thanks you in advance for any comment-love you wish you give. Over and out.
I love the quilt -- so pretty!
Cute kitty!!! And the quilt is pretty too. Mimi wants to know if you are making one for big and dark boy? She says that he must get cold in the winter.
So beautiful! The more quilts I see in the blog-o-sphere, the more I want to get my sewing machine fixed and get a quilt made!!!
And Mooky? so adorable.
wonderful job! quilting is fun, but it is another "stash-full" hobby.
Mooky is a wonderful quilt-cat too!
mooky! you're so cute!
Love the Mook.
Great job on that quilt! It's so pretty... looks good draped on a cat, too.
mooky + quilt = pain in my heart from excessive adorableness.
I love Mooky and I love the quilt! I am so glad the days of "red + pink = no" are over! It's gorgeous! (and attaching the binding is my very favorite part of quilting too)
Oh, congrats!! I love the polka dot binding! And Mooky? Totally precious.
Not sure which is prettier, Mooky or the quilt. I am partial to black cats, so I think Mooky wins. But beautiful job on the quilt, I have started several quilts but never finished one, I need to find a good tutorial on binding as that's where I always lose interest/mess up.
Mooky helps to display the beauty of the quilt.
I went back and reviewed the photos after you mentioned the dimensions of the quilt, and I agree: your cat is mammoth. Also adorable, as is the quilt. Yay!
aww! Lovely quilt and adorable kitty!
It's beautiful, Alison! Congrats :) I agree, binding is the funnest part. And, hey, I think you've started a whole new LOL trend.. "LOLQUILTCATS" maybe?! Mooky's the man!
Looks like dear Mooky needs a quilt of his own.
Very cute. Nicely done.
I love the quilt, but...
Mooky. Dude. You are just the best.
Cute quilt! And May think Mooky's hot. ;)
Oh gosh! I love the quilt! And that cat, amazing! Heee.
Yay, Ali! I'm also all stuck in quilting mode, and you've got me wanting to make that Scrap X too!
Look at that beauty! Mooky's Momma has got the magic touch, for real :o)
Mooky make my Pumpkin look like a guinea pig in comparison :)
Your new quilt is lovely!
The quilt is gorgeous!
Quilting boggles my mind. Nice job!
P.S. I guess your cat's aiiight, too.
Great looking quilt, pretty colours.
Love Mookie!
There are so many sweet quilts around the blogs these days, I know that soon I will be making one too. My daughter is in love with your kitty.
Pretty in Pink!!! Love the black accents!
awwww indeed! beautiful quilt, alison.
oh my heavens it looks so good! i can't believe you hand quilted it, you're awesome. the excessive lines around the border is my most favorite part. isn't quilting addicting? you did great!
Lovely! The quilt's cute, too ; )
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