Friday, April 13, 2007

Insult received, injury added

When I left my house yesterday just before noon, it was raining. On my way to school, the rain got a bit sleet-y. As I sat in class all afternoon, I could see that it was full-on snowing outside, and that the snow was piling up on the ground. This was not good -- not only because it's the freaking middle of April, but because I was in no way dressed for a snowy day. Insulting!

When I finally left school at about 10:00 p.m., wearing ridiculously inadequate Birkenstock shoes and a raincoat (both fine choices when I'd put them on, I swear), I headed out the front door of the Arts Building, carefully went down the front steps, and upon reaching the street, promptly slipped and fell on my ass. Owwww.


Anonymous said...

ow!!!!!!!!!!!! i am always only appropriately dressed for yesterday's weather, never today's. i feel your pain. ;)

Protagitron said...

Ouch. Hope you weren't hurt. This weather must end! Yesterday I slipped on a manhole cover, and pain ensued.

On the bright side, hopefully your classes will be over soon...

Anonymous said...

In New York's capital region we are having the same crummy weather. My nine-year-old son says that in April it shouldn't be called snow anymore. He prefers "snain."

(At least it made me smile on an otherwise crappy day!)

LaurieM said...

Misery loves company, so I'll just sit on the steps with you a moment and wail. Whaaaaaaaawhaaaaaawahhh!

Whatever happened to dear sweet April? The sun can't come back fast enough to suit me.

Chris said...

Ow!!! Birkenstocks are slippery shoes of death in any sort of wintery mix situation.

Karine said...

Ah yes the Montreal slip'n'slide. I can feel that. Nothing a hot cocoa (with a sliver of Cointreau) to take care of that...

Anonymous said...

ouch! snow in april is just mind-boogling. although birks in the rain seem a little dangereux to me.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm not home sick anymore. It's 27 degrees here in the Paris region. Hope you and your Birkenstock are ok.

Jennifer Lori said...

Oy! I hope today goes better for you! (If it's any consolation, I was hauling 8" of snow off my car in a light k-way jacket and sneakers).

normanack said...

Our April stinks, too (Michigan). Heavy sleety snow flattened all the daffodils just as they began to bloom. Then more snow, then more. Now the snow is melting but the temperature is still hovering barely above freezing.

I wonder if the spring peepers, who were chorusing shortly before it got so cold again, are surviving this late snow?

Thinks too much said...

Poooor you. I hope nothing's damaged.

Stacey said...

we got about 2" where I was yesterday. I am so ready for spring! hope your butt feels ok today! :)