Saturday, September 09, 2006

1. Chocolate brown

Now this is more like it, for my supervisor's "earthy" socks: Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock in "chocolate," a semi-solid.

Mooky thinks it's yummy.

I'm using a pattern called "Manly Ribbed Socks" by Ann Budd -- one of the patterns within "A Pair of Socks" on the IK subscribers-only site.

2. Broken foot

Bill and I spent a few hours in the emergency room last night, because Bill broke his foot -- several weeks ago. This is really bizarre, and tell me if you've ever known something like this to happen.

Bill had a day off yesterday and went out on the town to explore and eat smoked meat -- as carnivores are wont to do in Montreal. He walked quite a lot. On his way home, he came out of the metro (subway) station, stepped down onto the street from the sidewalk, heard a "snap" in his foot, and was suddenly in pain. He took a taxi home, unable to put any weight on his foot. I got home soon after, and then we went to emergency. Two hours later, an X-ray showed a fracture (in the fifth metatarsal, to be specific), but it also showed a few weeks' worth of healing bone growth! This is a complete mystery. If whatever Bill did yesterday to refracture the bone was so painful, how could he have broken it last month and not noticed? So now he's on crutches and Advil, and that's that.

(I must confess that for a split second, I was just a little disappointed that Bill wasn't going to get a cast on his foot. You see, I was knitting while we waited, and devising clever blog posts about the experience, with the title "Cast on." I'm not sure if this makes me a bad girlfriend, or just a good blogger....)

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