Saturday, August 19, 2006

Instructions for knitting while fishing (or, for fishing while knitting):

Secure fishing rod between crossed knees. Secure yarn ball in a resealable freezer bag. Knit.

(When another fishing woman, probably in her sixties, said, "I need one of those T-shirts!" I didn't have the heart to tell her it's printed with the name of a feminist magazine. Should've, though.)

While knitting, don't forget to take in the gorgeous shoreline.

And, at the end of the day, the very pretty sunset:

We had a great week -- the kind that goes on forever, where you say things like, "It's only Tuesday?" We fished every day. Fishing was great the first couple of days. Would you believe I actually lost count of the number of fish I caught? It's true. Lots were small, but I caught two bass that were about 2½ pounds.

We also went on a few little trips. We weren't far from the very pretty town of Perth, where I managed to find not only a yarn store, but a yarn store that was having a closing out sale. Seriously. And oh, how I wished I'd been there a few weeks ago; unfortunately, all that was left was scratchy wool and novelty yarns. (But I did pick up an old issue of Rebecca half price.) There was a good second-hand book store in Perth, too.

We went to Kingston one day, too. I'd always wanted to visit the Penitentiary Museum, so I finally got to go there, and also to see the entrance to the legendary former Prison for Women. We had dinner and beer on a sidewalk terrace near the water.

Anyway, I'm happy to be back, mostly because of this:

Knitting photos soon! I knit a pair of socks on the fishing trip, but I didn't finish my Leaf Lace Shawl -- because I ran out of yarn on row 8 of the 16-row edging! Grrrr.

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