Thursday, November 17, 2005


I handed in my draft chapter this morning! What a load off. I'm not totally satisfied with it, but it's a draft, and I have to accept that it's not possible to sit down and write a perfect twenty-five pages on the first go-round. Anyway, I've done it, it's the first real step toward writing this thesis, and I'm proud of myself. (A few glasses of wine between 10:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m. last night really helped that conclusion to flow!)

This morning we woke up to snow for the first time this season. Not much, and I didn't even notice it was snowing until I let Mooky outside -- he came running in twenty minutes later (an 18-pound cat running is funny!) with a dusting of white snowflakes on his back, poor thing. It's stopped now, and it didn't accumulate on the ground. But oh, that feeling of "It's staaaar-ting...."

I have a knitting question for you. I'm afraid I already know the answer, but I am trying to deny the answer. The question is: What would you do if you'd knit half of a sweater front (which took a while, because of cables and ribbing and the fact that you are very busy) and then realized you should probably be knitting the next size up? Would you rip (Claudia, you are not allowed to answer), or would you finish knitting that front piece to see whether you can reasonably block it to size? Yes, I'm talking about the Urban Aran. I'm up to the armpits, and it's awfully narrow...

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