Thursday, June 24, 2004


Not only is it very humid at the moment, but it's rainy. Very tropical. Yucky.

I've done a row and a half of dots on PPD, and I'm having a bit of a Polka Purl Problem. It's not the pattern -- it's the knitter. When I switch from a purl stitch to a knit stitch, it's a smooth transition, but switching from knit to purl leaves slackness between the stitches. Since the top is worked back and forth (one flat piece), the slackness is always on the same side of the dot. Obviously blocking will be crucial to this garment to get the dots to lay flat; will my stitch slackness be solved by blocking? (The yarn is 60% cotton, 40% acrylic.)

I've read that working close to the end of the needles helps with this problem, and I'm doing that, but I'm still a slacker. I'd love it if anyone could give me some advice here.

Other than than, so far so good with PPD. I'm making one modification, and that's skipping the tie-around belt: partly because I'm not sure that I'll have enough yarn to knit the belt, but also because I'm afraid it would just hang down in the back. Why, oh why, didn't IK publish a shot of the back of PPD? There are two photos of the front, but since it's a wraparound, I think it's just as important to show the back. Grr. Instead of the belt, then, I think I'll put a button or two at the sides to hold it together. I won't have to worry about that until the end.

Has anyone finished a PPD? If so, I'd love to hear/see how it turned out.

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