Sunday, October 05, 2003

I've put aside my lace panel sock for the time being. I like how it looks, and I will go back to it soon (really!). My friend Danny came over on Friday night and I showed it to him, and he said, "You knitted that? No, you didn't!" I beamed. Anyway, because I'm still a little sock-crazy but was wanting something quicker, I'm knitting a pair for Bill using Patons Astra. It's acrylic, but it makes a soft and luscious fabric (unlike Bernat Hot Sox, which is acrylic and feels acrylic, and has that sparkly acrylic look, too). I finished Bill's first sock last night. It's "Charcoal Mix" with a "Medium Gray" cuff, heel, and toe, in 3-by-1 ribbing. Anyway, when it was finished, ends woven in and everything, Bill put it on and said, "This is the first sock I've put on in years that fits perfectly!" Ah, a knitted sock is a beautiful thing. I promise I'll cast on for the second one tonight... (I'm using the Super Simple Knitwit Sock Pattern. I have to tell you: I prefer a top-down sock.)

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