Everybody's moving!
What a flurry of knitblog activity these days! So many knitters are pulling up blog-stakes and relocating. I can't update my links page for the time being, because while everyone else is all MT this and Typepad that, I'm a dork with a broken laptop and no ADSL at home. Here are some of the knitters' new homes:
Plus a bunch of knitters are physically moving, like Stefanie, Carolyn, Gwen, and another Sarah.
I plan to have the Rock-Along Gallery up this weekend, so put on your leather pants and start knitting! There is no definitive chart or pattern yet, but we'll get there. In the meantime, why not pick two colours from your stash and knit ROCK ON on a wristband? Go here or here for alphabet charts, and gimme an R, O, C, K! (Hey, Canadians, remember that song by Helix?)
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