Friday, September 24, 2010

Tag, you're it

I came across one of these on some website or another a while back and didn't really understand it, but I did some poking around online and the ribbon-tag blankie became my newest obsession. (I guess this kind of object is just something very tactile to occupy a baby -- the different textures and colours are fun and stimulating. Seems like a good idea.) This one, for example, is just so sweet. Some are smaller, like these ones. (And this ribbon-tab "monster doll" is inspired and awesome.) I had to make one of these little blankies, too. So I had a look at the instructions on the blog, bought some short lengths of ribbon to add to my own meager scraps (several in black and white, for the recommended high contrast), and did just that:

I cut 16-inch squares of a cotton print and a plain white flannel. (Lots of people favor super-soft Minky fabric, but it's too expensive for me.) I cut the ribbons at 2.5-inch to 4-inch lengths -- short enough that the baby won't get tangled up in the loops. Pressed, pinned, sewed, top-stitched, and voilĂ . It's very cute! I have ribbon left over, so I might make another, smaller one. Plus it was fun to make -- a very rewarding result with little effort.

Have any of you made one of these before? If so, was it a success with the baby? (And how old of a baby would dig this kind of thing? Is my friend's 14-month-old too old for one?)


Anonymous said...

I made one before my 2YO was born, and she still uses it. Now that she's older, she loves to stick her fingers in the loops.

So no, a 14 month old would not be too old. :)

Bertha said...

I bought one of these on Etsy when my daughter was a couple months old. She's almost 4 now and she still brings it with her everywhere. Sleeps with it, carries it around the house, brings it on every car trip, into every store we go into. I had to get a second one for her to sleep with at pre-school!

Anonymous said...

I just finished making one for Kate this week! She likes it but she doesn't fully get it yet, I think. I put a crinkly granola bar wrapper in the middle for some added texture.

Mel said...

I think a 14 month old could like it but it depends on the little guy is 15 months and has already attached to his "comfort" things (unfortunately a cheap walmart lovey thing - and not the nice organic soft things we've bought for him.....

I'll be making this this weekend as baby gifts...just another idea for you:

Unknown said...

My son had some taggy ring stackers and a taggy elephant doll with a bell in it. I think he got it for his first birthday. It took him awhile to get the hang of it, but he loved it for a good long time.

knittingknirvana said...

My son has 3 taggie book. He got all of within his first year. He still loves them and he will be three in December. They are his attachment objects. If your baby is anything like mine, he/she will love it!

Tahra said...

It probably depends on the child, but my kids were a little too go, go, go b 14 months to play with something like this. Definitely a great gift for the under 1 set though. I may just have to make one for our baby on-the-way.

Anonymous said...

My daughter had a little doll called "Mr. Label" (Said it on the doll.) had all these tags and ribbons sticking out everywhere. She loved to suck on the labels when she was between 6-10 months old. (Around the time she started teething.) She would have loved one of these blankets.
She lost interest after that, but I would definitely make one for pregnant friends as a shower gift.

Anonymous said...

I made a little taggie thing a while back, and my daughter loved it until she lost it. My kids are 14 months old now and love tags on anything - they seem to especially like the tags on mattresses, so if you make any more you might want to try using tyvek for the tags. I also put a layer of cellophane between the fabric layers, since my kids love crinkly things.

Maeve said...

I would say that if the kid has always had the taggie blanket, 14 months is not too old. But if they've never had one before, they probably won't be that interested at 14 months.

naholter said...

I make mine with a silky side (suite lining or swinsuit material work great) and a fleece side. I cut the ribbons 3" long. Keep away from really skinny ribbon, it is too easy to get a finger tangled in it. Babies usually like the ribbons starting about 6 months, but they like the softness anytime. My grandson just turned 9 and he still wants his "love" some times if he has had a hard day. His younger brother lost interest in it a long time ago, once he had legos and little people to manipulate. He never used it as a comfort thing.

Maggi said...

Alison, congratulations! Somehow parenting two has pushed me way out of the keeping-up loop, and I am just now discovering your happy news. I'll get some extra-toasty booties on my needles ASAP!

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